Tag: right to be forgotten
Abanlex galardonado en los premios Global Legal Awards
El caso de Derecho al Olvido ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en el que Abanlex dirigió la defensa del particular frente a Google Inc. y Google Spain ha sido seleccionado por la prestigiosa revista American Lawyer como «Global Dispute of the Year» en la categoría de «International Litigation».
Spain implements the EUCJ «right to be forgotten» landmark ruling
The Spanish National High Court (Audiencia Nacional, Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo Sección Primera) has issued the Right to be Forgotten ruling. Abanlex had represented Mario Costeja’s interests (the plaintiff) in the European Court of Justice (EUCJ), the highest court in the European Union in matters of European Union law, located in Luxembourg. This ruling had established the legal basis of responsibility of search engines concerning data and links appearing when searching a particular name. (See the General Council of the Judiciary [CGPJ]’s press note)